If you have completed the QUIA workbook and laboratory exercises and have attended "La mesa de Español", and you need more minutes to satisfy your lab requirement (100 minutes a week), you can do any of the following activities for minutes and post your comments in the blog:
  • Película/Programa de TV: Watch movies/TV shows in Spanish and write a short show or movie about them (a brief explanation of the show and your opinion about it) 50-75 words – worth 50 minutes of labtime,
  • Ex. Title format: Película: "El Laberinto del Fauno" (50 lab minutes minutes)
  • Evento: Attend an event related to Hispanic culture and write your comments about it 50-75 words and post pictures in your blog. – worth 100 minutes of lab. Ex.Title format: Evento: "Hispanic fest St. Louis" (100 lab minutes)
  • Otro: If you have any other ideas/suggestions, check with your instructor to see if this will count as lab minutes.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hispanic Festival

I got a pass from my wife on Saturday and went downtown to the Hispanic Festival. The weather was beautiful, the empanadas were excellent and the Pacifico was cold. Many Central and South American countries were represented. I enjoyed the dance demonstrations that were put on. An enjoyable way to spend a Saturday afternoon.


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    i couldnt get the pictures uploaded...but theres links. o well. the pictures are also such a computer wizz!

    I really enjoyed the festival. I was only there for about an hour but i must say it was an hour well spent. I was very suprised at how many places there were to get food. I was also amazed at how many dancers and demonstrations were put on for the hour i was there. it was non stop dancing. The number of vendors and the amount of sub nationalities was quite fascinating as well.
