If you have completed the QUIA workbook and laboratory exercises and have attended "La mesa de Español", and you need more minutes to satisfy your lab requirement (100 minutes a week), you can do any of the following activities for minutes and post your comments in the blog:
  • Película/Programa de TV: Watch movies/TV shows in Spanish and write a short show or movie about them (a brief explanation of the show and your opinion about it) 50-75 words – worth 50 minutes of labtime,
  • Ex. Title format: Película: "El Laberinto del Fauno" (50 lab minutes minutes)
  • Evento: Attend an event related to Hispanic culture and write your comments about it 50-75 words and post pictures in your blog. – worth 100 minutes of lab. Ex.Title format: Evento: "Hispanic fest St. Louis" (100 lab minutes)
  • Otro: If you have any other ideas/suggestions, check with your instructor to see if this will count as lab minutes.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fui a una fiesta de cumpleaños!

On September 5th, 2010, I attended a little boy's birthday party. Currently, I am dating a MEXICAN :) man and his entire family speaks no english at all. I have been with the same person for 3 years and every time there is a party for a special occasion, many parties like this occur. It is a great listening experience for me and I think i'm starting to actually pick some of it up! :)

The birthday boy is on the left, and my boyfriend's brother is on the right :)

Pinata time! :D

My family! :) I'm behind my sister on the left!

In my boyfriend's family, at every birthday party, it is tradition for the birthday boy/girl to get their face put in the cake! The kids really like when they do this!

I think Jesse enjoyed it too! :)

And here's Jesse and his Mom!

Overall, the birthday was a great time! All the kids had fun and Jesse made out like a bandit with gifts! :)

Feliz cumpleaños Jesse!

Ashley Kurtz
SPAN 101-009


  1. Beautiful pictures Ashley. Where is your boyfriend from? Remember that the term Hispanic can be estereotipical.
