If you have completed the QUIA workbook and laboratory exercises and have attended "La mesa de Español", and you need more minutes to satisfy your lab requirement (100 minutes a week), you can do any of the following activities for minutes and post your comments in the blog:
  • Película/Programa de TV: Watch movies/TV shows in Spanish and write a short show or movie about them (a brief explanation of the show and your opinion about it) 50-75 words – worth 50 minutes of labtime,
  • Ex. Title format: Película: "El Laberinto del Fauno" (50 lab minutes minutes)
  • Evento: Attend an event related to Hispanic culture and write your comments about it 50-75 words and post pictures in your blog. – worth 100 minutes of lab. Ex.Title format: Evento: "Hispanic fest St. Louis" (100 lab minutes)
  • Otro: If you have any other ideas/suggestions, check with your instructor to see if this will count as lab minutes.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

"Entre Nos"

"Entre Nos" is an inspiring story about a single mother raising two children in a foreign country where she does not speak the native language. Mariana brings her two children to New York to be reunited with their father who had immigrated to the United States for a job. They live in Queens for a while in bliss but soon her husband is offered a job in Miami. He says it will be just like before, he'll set up a home for them, save some money, and then they can move to Miami to be with him. He never calls to set up the moving date after he settles in Miami. Mariana finally talks to a mutual friend and finds out her husband had no intention of bringing his family to Miami.

This movie is full of heartache and passion. Mariana is so desperate to find a decent place to raise her children and make it in a city where she does not know anyone. The script was very well written and the acting was marvelous. Anyone in Mariana's situation, understandibly, would give up hope. Mariana never loses hope.

Caitlin Huddleston

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