"Sin Nombre", directed and written by Cary Fukunaga, follows Saraya on her journey to the United States. Saraya is a Honduran teenager who has just recently been reunited with her father who wishes to bring Saraya and her cousin back to the United States with him illegally. Her father plans that they should be able to make it to the Mexico/ Texas border on the back of a freight train.
"Sin Nombre" also follows a teenager named Willy who is pledged to a violent and dangerous gang. Willy considers MS13 to be his family until it's leader kills his girlfriend and Willy begins to question his loyalty. The leader is also questioning Willy's loyalty and takes him on a mission to test him. They board the same train top as Soraya and her family and begin robbing everyone of their belongings and what little money they have. When the leader finally makes it to Soraya he threatens to rape her because they have no money to give him, Willy stabs the leader and shoves him off of the moving train.
Word makes it back to the second in command that Willy murdered their leader and they send several different groups to track him down and kill him. Soraya begins to fall in love with Willy, but he fears for her safety because he knows that he is a dead man walking.
I absolutely loved this movie. Fukunaga did a wonderful job filming this movie. The shots are wide showing the landscape as the train passes through Middle America and creates a lovely setting. Although the movie has a dark topic, the colors are bright and lead the viewer to believe that there is hope for the two runaway teens. I watched "Sin Nombre" in Spanish with English subtitles and was very excited to find I could understand some of what they were saying without the subtitles.
Caitlin Huddleston
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