If you have completed the QUIA workbook and laboratory exercises and have attended "La mesa de Español", and you need more minutes to satisfy your lab requirement (100 minutes a week), you can do any of the following activities for minutes and post your comments in the blog:
  • Película/Programa de TV: Watch movies/TV shows in Spanish and write a short show or movie about them (a brief explanation of the show and your opinion about it) 50-75 words – worth 50 minutes of labtime,
  • Ex. Title format: Película: "El Laberinto del Fauno" (50 lab minutes minutes)
  • Evento: Attend an event related to Hispanic culture and write your comments about it 50-75 words and post pictures in your blog. – worth 100 minutes of lab. Ex.Title format: Evento: "Hispanic fest St. Louis" (100 lab minutes)
  • Otro: If you have any other ideas/suggestions, check with your instructor to see if this will count as lab minutes.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

STL Hispanic Festival

On Friday September 17th, I headed to Soldiers Memorial Park in downtown St. Louis for the annual Hispanic Festival. The evening was a bit dreary, but all of the festivities really brightened up the night!
The scene was filled with beautiful and lively hispanic music, people dancing their hearts out, delicious feed, and margaritas galore! Here are a few snap shots of the event...

This was early on in the evening, and that little old lady up front stole the show! She had some mad dancing skills!

Up next, meet the contestants for this year's Miss Hispanic Festival competition. Lovely lovely ladies!

Dinner time! Dos tacos del pastor, y dos tacos de carne. Los tacos son muy rico!

I had to try a margarita.... and it was wonderful. Absolutely wonderful.

I spent the evening downtown with a friend, and had dinner with two men that were also enjoying the festivities. One of the gentlemen had spent a few years doing art excavation in some of the indigenous regions of Guatemala. He told us countless stories of crazy the interactions that he had with the people he met while he was working there. We had a really wonderful time hearing all of his tales about driving through the mountains, being welcomed into homes for meals, and learning about ancient indigenous art techniques. The world is so full of rich cultures and amazing people... It was really great to get a taste of that in good old St. Louis.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures Jenny! It sounds like you had a great time ;)
